Why Combine Fascia Stretch Therapy & Personal Training?

Together, they synergize to amplify the benefits of each complimentary practice. Improved flexibility from FST can enhance exercise performance, reduce the risk of injury, and aid muscle recovery. The personalized guidance from a trainer ensures exercises align with the body’s needs and goals, while fascia stretch therapy enhances overall mobility and reduces muscle stiffness. This combined approach not only fosters physical fitness but also fosters holistic wellness, promoting a balanced, agile, and resilient body.

2 – 2 Bundle
  • 2 FST & 2 Personal Training Sessions Bundle (saves you $15)
  • Perfect for someone with looking to compliment stretch therapy with a tailored training program to address a minor physical issue. This bundle is designed to improve pain, address the root cause, and teach you how prevent reoccurrence and reinjury in the future. You’ll walk away with stretch therapy and tools you can use the rest of your life.
3 – 3 Bundle
  • 3 FST & 3 Personal Training Sessions Bundle (saves you $25)
  • Perfect for someone with looking to compliment stretch therapy with a tailored training program to address a physical issue that you’ve been dealing with a while.. This bundle is designed to improve pain, address the root causes, and teach you how prevent reoccurrence and reinjury in the future. You’ll walk away with stretch therapy and tools you can use the rest of your life.
4 – 4 bundle
  • 4 FST & 4 Personal Training Sessions Bundle (saves you $30)
  • Perfect for someone with looking to compliment stretch therapy with a tailored training program to address long term or chronic physical issues. Maybe you’ve tried some other body work modalities without much success. This bundle is designed to improve pain, address the root causes, and return you to manageable levels. You’ll walk away with stretch therapy and tools you can use the rest of your life.